Finalist, Mayukwayukwa Refugee Camp: A Sustainable Development Center in Zambia

Uluslararası yarışma platformu Archstorming tarafından düzenlenen yarışmada Çağatay Çomaklı'nın ekip lideri, Rıdvan Otaran ve Şeyma Atay'ın ekip üyesi olduğu ekibin önerisi finalist projeler arasına kaldı.

Respect (texture, nature, place)


The starting point of the design is respect for the texture, nature and place. In the design of the sustainable development center, environmental data from the upper scale to the material scale were taken as reference. The concept of sustainability was discussed in social, economic and structural dimensions. The buildings and open spaces are built in 4 stages in total. In these processes, the structures are designed to serve different uses. Together with the designed spaces and open spaces, it offers areas that allow users to engage in economic and agricultural activities and to be in constant social contact.

Site Design

In order to meet the needs of the program, a long dormitory mass was positioned in the spaces between the existing trees. Then, the class unit and the kitchen-office-storage units serving the middle courtyard and communicating with the existing structure were placed opposite each other. No existing trees were removed and endemic plant species were found in agricultural areas. used as a border.

Open Space

The use of open space in the site decisions; agricultural areas, self-build areas, sales areas are located in both directions of the central entrance. The spaces between the buildings are left to the user’s own experience, creating surprising spaces and establishing a relationship with the kitchen, classroom and dormitory units. The open spaces of different sizes are planned to allow different festival, event and workshop functions and to establish a relationship with the existing green texture.

Construction Method

The foundation and columns are constructed of reinforced concrete. Then the walls are raised with adobe material. The roof carrier and trusses, which are wooden materials, are built by leaving space to provide natural ventilation. The roof is covered with metal sheet. Solar panels are placed on the roof.


Electricity is produced and stored with the inverter and battery that works integrated with the solar panels used. It is also made usable with converters. For rainwater, the artificial columns used in the eaves are used as rainwater columns and collected in the underground rainwater tanks. The water used in the buildings is transferred to gray water tanks and stored. The treated water is pumped to suitable areas for reuse. The truss system built between the roof carriers and the wall was created for the fresh air to circulate within the buildings.


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