1. Ödül, ZT Ödülleri Ulusal Öğrenci Proje Yarışması 2022

1. Ödül, ZT Ödülleri Ulusal Öğrenci Proje Yarışması 2022

Yaklaşım, oralılar ile planlanmış organik bir büyüme ile coğrafyada da sıkla görülen “örgü” metaforundan faydalanarak verneküler bir mimariyi ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlar.

“Knitting” is about rethinking a destroyed, drilled and scratched topography. It is aimed to handle this carved topography with an approach that defines the power of architecture without losing the spirit it has gained. In this direction, the project deals with the demolished quarry. The idea aims to transform the quarry together with the locals who are the original owners of the place. With a planned organic growth, it aims to reveal a vernecular architecture by making use of the “knitting” metaphor, which is frequently seen in the geography. According to this approach, the locals aim to make a souvenir place with lime, which is the residual material of the carved quarry, and to add new functions without spoiling the spirit of the area with cultural functions. It is desired to reveal the spiritual power of architecture by interpreting the knitting method used by local people to cover or repair something with an architectural approach.

The project takes as context a aged limestone quarry located close to the city center in Muğla. The site is located in a zone that separates the center of the city and the agricultural district. With this aspect, it is aimed to be used both as a place of memory and as a space that unites two different user groups. As a design method, it is suggested to arrange circulation between the high-distance slopes caused by the cutting of the quarry.  This circulation is limited by lime walls made from the main material of the ground. These walls are sometimes used as a divider, sometimes as a protector, and sometimes as a limiter.

It is important to convey the spirit of the quarry’s adventure so far to the user. As a result, architecture is an art that is strong enough to repair the place, even with the leftovers, and a craft that is strong enough to do it with the local.


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