2020 IFLA Avrupa Öğrenci ve Genç Profesyoneller Yarışması – Peyzajdaki Ayak İzleri

IFLA Avrupa'nın öğrenciler ve genç profesyonellere yönelik düzenlediği yarışmaya başvurular için son tarih 20 Haziran 2020. 

İklim değişikliği ve Dünya‘nın yıkıcı ısınmasının çevremiz üzerindeki etkileriyle karşı karşıyayız. Peyzaj mimarları nasıl tepki verebilir? Hangi çözümlerimiz var? Peyzaj mimarlarının bilgilerini geliştirmeli miyiz?

Peyzajda makro ayak izleri

Büyük ölçekli projelere bakmak önemlidir. Peyzajda ele aldığımız Makro Ayak İzleri: şehirlerin gelişmesi ve genişlemesi, kentlilerin sayısının artması, enerji üretiminin çeşitlendirilmesi, yeni enerji kaynakları, değişen iklimler ve mavi-yeşil altyapı çözümleri gibi peyzaj ve doğaya büyük müdahaleleri içermektedir. Bu büyük projelerle ne kadar ilgileniyoruz ve peyzaj mimarları olarak bu projeleri çözmek için ne gibi önerilerimiz var? Daha iyi sonuçlar elde etmek için hangi disiplinlerle çalışmamız gerekiyor? Geleceğin büyük projelerini daha iyi ele alabilmek için nelerin değiştirilmesi gerekiyor?

Peyzajdaki Mikro Ayak İzleri

Ayrıca daha küçük ölçekli projelerle uğraşıyor ve kentsel alanların altyapısında değişiklikler yapıyoruz. Motorlu taşıt trafiğini ve kirliliği azaltmak için daha fazla insanın yürümesini, bisiklete binmesini veya çevre dostu taşımayı kullanmasını nasıl sağlayabiliriz? Halk sağlığını nasıl iyileştirir ve insanları daha iyi hissettiririz? Hangi tasarım ve uygulama çözümlerimiz var? Nasıl daha iyi sonuçlar elde edebilir ve müşterilerimizi kaliteli ve güzel bir açık alana yatırım yapmaya ikna edebilir miyiz? İzlanda‘daki kent sakinleriyle yapılan son proje, şehir hattı ve çevresine odaklanmak olmuştur. Araç trafiğini nasıl azaltabiliriz, yürüyüş ve bisiklete kullanımını nasıl artırabiliriz? Daha az yer kaplayan ve daha sürdürülebilir topluma doğru atılacak küçük adımlarda hangi çözümlere sahibiz?


Eligible competition participants

An eligible competition participant must not be older than 35 years of age (the year of birth is the deciding factor).

The participant must be a student/alumnus of a landscape architecture course or a practitioner in the field of landscape architecture.

The participant must represent one of the countries in the region identified as the Council of Europe or a country where an IFLA EUROPE National Association is present.

List of IFLA Europe member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

List of eligible CoE member states not IFLA Europe member: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino.

The participant must be a citizen of one of these countries or, in other case, study – be enrolled in a landscape architecture program, be an alumnus of a university or work for at least a year prior to the competition opening date in one of the countries listed above.

Competition Rules and Guidelines

Competition entries in all categories (“pages”) are to be submitted solely via the website https://www.iflaeurope.eu/index.php/youth/index.

In order to apply, please register on the website https://www.iflaeurope.eu/index.php/youth/register after which you will receive a notification that your registration was successful. Once you received the message, please login on the competition website and via ‘Submission page’ upload your application and “page(s)”.

“Pages” in all categories can include photographs, drawings, plans, visualizations and text. The participant (individual person or group) must be the author of all of the above-mentioned elements on every “page” uploaded. Each author (participant) can apply for one or more categories but is limited to one contribution per category. If you wish to submit entries in several categories, please submit a separate “page” and application form for each entry.

For each entry/file please write it in the following format:

Your full name(s) and the category you are submitting on your poster – For example: “John Smith_Category A Conceptual projects”

Please name the file as: year_firstname_lastname_category.pdf – For example: 2020_john_smith_category_A.pdf

Technical specification of the entries

For the technical specifications for a competition entry please follow the layout as explained here:

A chosen photo, drawing or visualization must be uploaded as a .jpg image (Min. 1 image, Max.10). This image will “promote” your submission. Horizontal orientation is preferred. All uploaded entries will be reviewed before they become published on the IFLA EUROPE Student and Young Professionals competition website. The language of the competition is English.

If you apply as a group, the first person mentioned on the form would be, in the case of a nomination, invited for the prize ceremony. There is no limit regarding the numbers of persons participating for one entry.

Please read carefully these rules. An incomplete submission will not be considered. Please check you spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email from the competition website.

For any issue that may arise, please contact IFLA Europe Secretariat on secretariat@iflaeurope.eu.

Please provide short Executive Summary, maximum 250 words in pdf. A written executive summary of the project, including project context, issues to be addressed, main features, and innovations. This is for potential use in the jury report or any subsequent publications. This must be saved as a PDF and include the application title for example John Smith_Category A Conceptual projects_Executive summary”

Your application is eligible only if it appears on the Competition entries on the IFLA Europe Student and Young Professionals Competition website. Please note that it may take few days for this process to be done and we are grateful for your understanding. If not be published, please check your application form and your page to ensure that they fulfill all the conditions of submission.

Each candidate (or group of persons) has to download the IFLA Europe Students and Young Professionals Competition file, fill it in and upload it again. You will find the application form IFLA Europe Student and Young Professionals competition form

The organisers of the competition reserve a right to choose entries for the post-competition publication.


The entries will be in the following categories for Young Professionals (i.e. those who are graduated but also students of post graduate diploma or master’s programmes as per above i.e. a student/alumnus of a landscape architecture course or a practitioner in the field of landscape architecture.)

Category A: Conceptual projects/Ideas

Category B: Realised projects

Category C: People’s choice

Dates and Deadlines

The competition is open to entries from 20 March 2020. The deadline for submitting contributions is 20 June 2020 at 17.00 hrs Brussels time. The results will be announced on 1 September 2020.

Important dates:

  • 20 March: Launch of the competition
  • 20 April: Deadline for FAQ
  • 20 May: Answers to FAQ
  • 20 June: Deadline for sending entries
  • 20 July: Deadline for People’s Choice Awards (vote on Facebook)
  • 20 August: Announcement of winners


Three winners will be chosen for each category. The prize for the winners of categories A and B will be invitation to the IFLA Europe General Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, 18 October 2020 to present their works.

Economy class plane ticket and accommodation for one night will be provided for the winner or one person representing the group.

The People’s Choice Award will be determined by voting on the IFLA Europe Facebook page (regardless of category – a “page” with most “likes” at midnight CET 20 July 2020). All winners will receive a Certificate.

Special IFLA Europe Student and Young Professional Competition publication will be prepared and will feature the competition entries and they will also be featured in IFLA Europe Yearbook. All entries will get significant publicity and European visibility though IFLA Europe website and social media platforms.


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