Hüseyin Yanar, Tallinn Mimarlık Bienali kapsamında bir çalıştay yönetecek. Maksimum 20 kişinin yer alabileceği çalıştaya katılmak için son kayıt tarihi 10 Eylül.
Hüseyin Yanar çalıştayın kapsamını ve sürecini şöyle açıklıyor:
The workshop will begin with a hour presentation of a personal experience. I will tell about architecture, walking, meditation, forgeting architecture and coming back to it again. You will see some images of my recent drawings during walks. After that we will discuss about it all together. An then depending of our discussion we will form the workshop and decide what to do and how!
I like to draw and sometimes to paint. I am sure, many of the participants do. In the workshop space we will have a big map of Tallinn and sketch papers to speculate the city and nature beside it just to make an other kick off may be. You can also bring your own materials. To be honest, I have no idea about Tallinn. Although I live in Helsinki, only once, I visited the city in a rush. It was very short period of time. I went directly to the beautiful old part of the town. If you feel and want, you can also draw like me or you can find any medium and any way to express yourself, your idea/s for the workshop. In the end of the day, we will make a discussion briefly about the ideas and results.
In the following morning we come together again and evaluate the whole process. Mainly, I want you to know that you will follow an hour presentation in the beginning and the process will begin. Tallinn will be beside us, with us in some way but everything will go depending on our discussions and your personal interpretation about what we will discover and find in the end. However the process will go, we follow it. Actually we don’t want to know where we will go in the end and we don’t want to also know what we will discover as an individual person or as a team/s. The result and even the whole process will be unknown except the kick off presentation. This is the idea. Please come to join us to create an atmosphere and see the results and discuss and learn all together.