Crow Bakery

Crow Bakery

Crow Bakery, designed by SADE Studio Architecture, is located in Balıkesir.

Crow Bakery, whose design and implementation processes were completed by SADE Studio Architecture, was designed as the second branch of Crow Coffee, which is operated as a 3rd generation coffee shop in Ayvalık district of Balıkesir. The choice of an open kitchen, the function and the requirements of the existing space allowed us to start the design process in the place where production will be carried out professionally.

The space gained its functional form with the kitchen layout plan and the bar where coffee will be served. In the design process, where we progressed from unit to whole, we realized the design by reconsidering the existing joinery in order to integrate the exterior and interior spaces. Instead of a scattered seating style, we preferred defined seating elements that fit the character of the space.

We designed the form of the seating units by taking inspiration from the requirements of the space, the usage situation and the fact that the dough takes various shapes during kneading. Due to the lack of technical infrastructure of the existing space, we created the space as an inner shell with plasterboard. This shell allowed us to create a deep space that incorporates functions through volume and color play.

We achieved depth with the use of mirrors on the green wall in the space, and a warm, bright and original design with the use of various sconces. We created the Bakery concept with details that cannot be understood unless explained. In the volume where the bar and seating units are located, we indirectly used lighting elements on the ceiling and created a curtain form inspired by the shape of the Pasa cloth when it is put in the oven.

We aimed to provide a transition between white, cream, green and brick colors. We made the material selections within this framework,influenced by the interaction of colors and the formation process of the dough. Brick color represents soil, green color represents wheat sprouts, cream color represents the leavened form of the dough, and white color represents the flour form. Crow Bakery, which we designed with inspiration from the formation process of dough, has reached its original place with its colors, forms, textures, material selections and application details.


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