Seed Plaza in Jiaxing

Seed Plaza in Jiaxing

Seed Plaza in Nanhu District, Jiaxing, integrates urban and natural environments, offering a large open space within architectural boundaries.

Seed Plaza is located in Nanhu District, Jiaxing, 10 kilometer east of the downtown area.

It sits at the boundary between urban and natural environment.

Half of the surroundings are farms and parks, and the other half are residential and commercial streets.

Different orientations offer different landscapes and atmospheres, forming a diverse and vibrant sense of place.

Roads around the plaza intersect, drawing people together and making it the most dynamic core location in the entire neighborhood.

We observed that after the pandemic, people have began to seek more interaction with nature and enjoy outdoor life.

This change in social environment has inspired us to rethink the value and state of architecture in the new era.

Under the site conditions where the urban environment and natural ecology are intertwined, we hope to introduce a regulator that helps people leave the city and enter nature, and creates as much comfortable and rich outdoor activity spaces as possible in the plaza.

The inclusion of up to 3500 m² of outdoor space within the 7000 m² of architectural space is a key element of the project.

In conventional real estate projects, the design methods involving huge amounts of non-indoor spaces contradict the logic of the real estate revenue, leading to a considerable contradiction.

However, in this project, the client strongly agrees with the concept of integrating nature and architectural space, resulting in a completely open architectural form.

As a public function of the community, the neighborhood center is an important hub for people to relate and communicate.

We try to create a miniature three-dimensional neighborhood within an architecture and use the logic of “streets and alleys” to connect the spaces to bring interesting and diverse spatial experience.

As a significant medium, plants are inadvertently interspersed in the architectural space that people walk through.

The plants easily come into sights of the citizens and allow direct contact with the bodies.

Through the design, greenery naturally flows into life.

The entire building is composed of 20 stacked boxes of different shapes, representing a diverse and growing personality.

Combined with the floor slabs, large amounts of grey spaces are created between boxes for people to walk and explore freely.

Thirteen stairs that go up and down break the concept of normal multi-storey architecture and are as endless as urban streets.

The endless circulation make people to forget the existence of the elevators and immerse themselves in the building, roaming and walking aimlessly, looking for randomness and uniqueness in daily life.




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