A wayfinding system for railway builders

Totetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd., founded at the request of the former Ministry of Railways to maintain and reinforce Japan’s rail system, is a general construction company with far-reaching expertise in the field of rail-related construction. The designer created a wayfinding system at the Totetsu Training Institute, built by the company built to help preserve its legacy of unique expertise, enhance its technological prowess, and develop highly capable human resources.

For the design motif, the designer used rail lines—the core identity of Totetsu Kogyo, which continues to thrive in the rail sector.

Due to the characteristics of the space, some of the rooms in the facility are in blind areas. The rail-line design marks flow lines to those rooms, offering affordances for spatial movement.

To capture the company’s personality with creative aesthetic accents, the designer also used rail scrap for the facility’s name sign and portions of the stairs.

On the second floor, rooms and their corresponding key cards are color-coded in the colors of the various train lines that Totetsu Kogyo services. On the key cards are lines representing small sections of track. Side by side, the cards can combine into a myriad of different route maps.

Through the design, the designer strove to create a space that would help trainees feel a sense of pride in their work.

İkinci kattaki odaların kapılarını açmak için kullanılan akıllı kart anahtarlar, Totetsu Kogyo’nun hizmet verdiği çeşitli tren hatlarının renkleriyle tasarlanmış ve tren raylarının küçük bölümlerini temsil eden çizgiler kullanılmış. Yan yana konulan akıllı kart anahtarların birleşerek sayısız farklı rota haritası oluşturması planlanmış.

Tasarımcı, tasarım yoluyla mekanda eğitim alacak kişilerin çalışmalarında gurur duymalarına yardımcı olacak bir alan yaratmaya çalışmış.


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