International VELUX Award 2012

“Light of Tomorrow” is the overall theme of the International VELUX Award. The award seeks to challenge the future of daylight in the built environment with an open-minded and experimental approach. Therefore, the Award seeks to widen the boundaries of daylight in architecture, including aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the interaction between buildings and environment.

The Award is not restricted to the use of VELUX products.

The Award contains no specific categories, but entries may focus on:

Concepts with focus on sunlight as a natural source of light and energyThe contribution of daylight to high visual quality and interior comfort that support people’s lives and living conditionsThe rethinking of daylight in urban or suburban living contextsThe importance of sunlight and daylight for sustainable architecture that takes into account the rhythm and balance of natureAbstract concepts like daylight vs. artificial light, day vs. night, in vs. out etc.

On 1 October 2011 the International VELUX Award will open for registration for the 2012 edition. The prestigious Award is held for the fifth time encouraging students of architecture to explore the theme of daylight in architecture. The award is open to any registered student of architecture – individual or team – all over the world. We encourage multi-disciplinary teams including e.g. engineering, design, landscaping. Every student or student team must register to participate and must be backed and granted submission by a teacher from a school of architecture.

The outline of the Award timeline is:
1 October 2011: Registration opens
1 March 2012 : Registration closes
2 March 2012 : Submission opens
2 April : Deadline for questions
7 May : Deadline for submission
June : Jury meeting
October : Award event

You need to register before 1 March to be able to participate in the International VELUX Award 2012.


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