İTÜ Architectural Design Computing Program Lecture Series: Playgrounds of Rigor

14 Nisan'da İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi bünyesinde Türk-Alman Bilim Yılı etkinlikleri kapsamında Tübitak desteği ile Bergischen Universität Wuppertal Mimarlık Fakültesi öğretim üyelerinden Holger Hoffmann ve Hans-Peter Nünning seminer verecek.

The lecture is on the possibilities of computational design techniques in academic research as well as in practical application. Consequently conceived and built work will be used to illustrate the integrative potential of methods of computational design in all phases of architectural projects. 
The talk will highlight a design-approach that balances the enormously creative playfulness of current tools with a rigorous framework deriving from, contextual, typological, or fabrication origin. For the early digital play with form that often paired the then unknown potential of mighty computer tools with the idea of an intuitively defined personal style has for some time now been replaced by a very serious and powerful development of open-ended computational design processes. Here, the rigorous understanding of the essential parametric interrelations of a project allows for an iterative and looped integration and variation of relevant parameters that leads towards what we could call elastic “design machines”. Such machines exchange “will to form” with design intelligence and arbitrariness with precision.

Prof. Holger Hoffmann is an architect and founding partner at one fine day in Düsseldorf, Germany. He leads the Department Techniques of Representation and Design (DME) at University of Wuppertal. Hans-Peter Nünning is an architect and teaches as assistant professor at the University of Wuppertal’s DME (Department Techniques of Representation and Design). Next to that he is a partner at one fine day, Düsseldorf.


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