Eşdeğer Mansiyon, “UN’IDEA, UNA CITTÀ”

İtalya'daki San Giovanni Valdarno kasabasındaki "Palazzo d’Arnolfo"ya dair geliştirilecek tasarım fikirleri için açılan yarışmada Türkiye'den bir ekip ödüle layık görüldü.

İtalya’daki San Giovanni Valdarno kasabasındaki Palazzo d’Arnolfo’da yer alan Museo Delle Terre Nuove (Yeni Kasabalar Müzesi) ve Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea’nın ortaklaşa açtıkları “UN’IDEA, UNA CITTÀ” isimli uluslararası/profesyonel yarışmada; Atıl Aggündüz ve Oğul Öztunç’tan oluşan ekip “Miotóis” isimli projeleriyle “Special Mention” ödülüne layık görüldü. Mansiyon alan projenin İngilizce metni şu şekilde:

Miotóis | Mitosis | Mitoz

Strategies for multiplying museums relationship with city:

The phenomena of mitosis is the occurance of formation of two cells, from one cell; protecting the genetic characteristics of the first cell. The process of mitosis is divided into stages corresponding to the completion of one set of activities and the start of the next.

It is visible that the sequences of Palazzo d’Arnolfo’s architectural growth is based on addition of arches to outward of existing structure. Each new addition of those sets of arches embodied new kinds of spaces underneath them and transformed the building, redefining it’s relationship with the urban space. ‘Miotóis’ follows this method and proposes to add a new layer of arches to redefine the Museo delle Terre Nuove’s relationship with the contemporary urban space. This new layer of arches, referring to contemporary means of urbanity, is lightweight, transculent, engaging, uncanny and dynamic architectural elements. Strategically, the proposed addition to museum forms indefinete semi urban spaces that inspires curiosity and amplifies the urban space of the building’s outwards; through the city of San Giovanni Valdarno in every direction.

Museo delle Terre Nuove’s position in the city is very critical. The building is situated in the intersection of most important axes; the strategical center of urban space. Mitosis proposes an addition that is visible from eye level on each axes, aiming to inspire an architectural curiosity about those ambiguous formation of transculent arches. The proposal intends to tranform the perifery of Palazzo d’Arnolfo Arcade into an urban magnet, attracting people to come, look and interact with activities.

Acknowledging the nature of contemporary urban space, mitosis proposes much more indefinete relationship with the city, forming unspecified architectural spaces between the positioned arches. This strategy opens the possibility to unpredictable and multifunctional use of that spaces; ranging from event organisations of museum to ordinary everyday activities of citizens.

The tectonical characteristics of proposed arches aims to be very simple to build, but elegant at the same time. The frame structures are woodwork and the body is transculent textile. Those arches are designated in a way that they can be built very easily with the help of local artisans.

The proposed arches aims to create simple but elegant spatiality underneath them. Relating to the arcade of Palazzo d’Arnolfo, the formation of arches takes their upper height information from the existing building’s arch level and focusing on human scale, using differing radiuses.

Even though the arches are very simple by themselves, they create complex archtiectural spaces by interacting with each other in many directions. This ambigous image they form, inspires the desire of exploration of that spaces by walking through and gazing inside them.

The simpleness of proposed arch structures provides an opportunity to use them in many formations, each time creating a different spatiality. Those individual pieces may spread to city and placed in underused urban spaces of San Giovanni Valdarno, facilitating everyday activities and pop up events; therefore activating those urban spaces.


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