The Conditions of Experimentation: Innovation and Change in Multi-residential Housing in Europe and Australia

Bilgi Üniversitesi Mimarlık Yüksek Lisans öğrencilerinin düzenlediği "Mekan Konuşmaları" serisinin 20 Mart 2018'deki kırkıncı etkinliğine, Royal College of Art in Environmental Architecture and City Design programının direktörü Tarsha Finney konuk oluyor.

Yer: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümü, Kazandibi; Santral İstanbul.
Zaman: 20.03.2018 – 18:00

Etkinlik metninden:

Many investigations within the field of architecture are underpinned by an assumption that the emergence of technical innovation brings with it new possibilities for creative output in the field. These investigations depend on advances of new techniques which range from digitally-based media of representation, through to means of analysing and shaping cities.

This presentation will challenge this presumption of an essential link between newness and technological novelty. Instead, and via an examination of innovations in the spatial performance of new co-operative housing projects in Europe and Australia, it will look at a link between the governance, ownership and procurement structures at work in the production of these new housing projects, innovations in the multi-scalar spatial performances of housing as part of design led processes of negotiating differences amongst eccentric client groups, and the transformation in our domestic and urban subjectivities.

Such a challenge raises a series of issues: the relationship between the spatial performance of specific institutional forms within the city of modernity and the scale based, socio-political governance of the city; How to understand the iterative agency of the discipline of architecture; the conditions for the emergence of difference and the defining of newness; and the implications of reproduction and repetition as part of a process of agonism – or the productive negotiation of difference.

Such a notion of newness and the role of the spatial reasoning of the discipline of architecture forms the foundation of the new City Design programme at the Royal College of Art.


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